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Join the Queendom

Oh hey there, are you keen on the Queens?

Well, come on then, claim your crown and get in on the action!

If you’d like to get involved or for press and media inquiries, write to us at hello@drillerqueens.com

Give us a stage

Our tools aren’t the only things with power - we’re on a mission to share our values, and we want to be heard loud and clear. While shouting from the rooftops sounds rad, having a captive audience sounds even better.

So, we're looking for some sweet speaking gigs to spread the good word!

If you know of any events, or stages or are in the market for a speaker who's equal(ish) parts witty, wise, and wicked, we’d be thrilled to hear from you!


Do you know the perfect future Driller Queen?

You know, the friend you call up when something in your home requires a toolbox and then also end up chatting forever because they’re obviously also a rad person? That’s the one :)

Even if they’re not in Berlin, our Queendom is growing and we’d love an intro to all the awesome people you know!

Teamwork makes the dream work

“Look at this life-changing, world-altering, social impact cyclone of greatness that I created all by my superhuman self, without another human so much as listening to a single one of my ideas.” - said no one, never.

Duh, because teamwork makes the dream work! (it’s ok if you cringed a little)

Collaborate with us! We would love to build more partnerships with companies & industry folk that share our values:

Interior designers looking for the hands to bring visions to life, certified plumbers and electricians, heck, even brands or businesses wanting to host workshops to challenge gender norms - we won’t limit the possibilities.